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Noella’s Latest Book:

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Title: I’m the Thinker of My Thoughts
Author: Noella Reeder
Publication date: Oct 2020
Publisher: Yemmibooks
Print ISBN: 979-11-89877-22-4
eBook ISBN: 
Retail price: 19.99 USD 24.99 CAN
Available In: ebook | Hardcover
Available At: Amazon
Genre: Children’s Personal Development
Page Count: 32 Pages


I’m the Thinker of My Thoughts is a picture book that gives children tools to create positive emotions and behaviors by learning to control their thoughts. They learn that thoughts create feelings, which lead to actions, and that they can replace unhelpful thoughts with more helpful ones.

Using vivid and memorable illustrations and positive phrases in catchy rhymes, these powerful, life-changing ideas are portrayed in a simple way a child can easily understand. Thoughts are shown as friends or bullies that can make us feel nice or sad. It’s a fun book to read aloud to children ages 3 to 9.

Reviews/Advance Praise:

Renee B – Mom, Grandma and Child and Youth Practitioner
“Hello, I’m a mother of four, a grandmother and when my studies are completed, a Child and Youth Practitioner. This book is so wonderful to help open up a platform for communication with a child who may be unsure about how to talk about their feelings. Such a wonderful book that gives a perfect foundation to talk to children about their thoughts and help them understand them. Very well written !!!! I love this book, and will be reading it to my grandson and adding it to my toolbox I will use when out in the field helping children and youth. Thank you for this book.”

Jaehyuk Ju – Entrepreneur and Father
“As an Entrepreneur and a Father of 2 kids, this is exactly the type of book I’ve been waiting for! I’ve spent way too much time thinking about things that take up my bandwidth and do not produce any meaningful results. Sometimes, my thoughts were harmful to my growth and a big waste of time and energy. I want to equip my kids with the ability to focus on meaningful and fruitful thoughts. Noella’s book transfers this complicated knowledge in a digestible, poetic way that I think might work!! What a valuable lesson that we can choose our thoughts and that our thoughts are there to serve us, not the other way around. It all starts with the thought in our head. Some adults still haven’t grasped this concept. I would love to pass this wisdom on to my kids and I really appreciate this book’s audacious attempt.”

Debora J – Mom, Grandma and Outreach and Tenant Relations Worker
“As I listened to you read this book my mind was thinking of so many children that this book will empower and actually set free from low self esteem! I can’t wait to set up a story reading time to introduce this book and even to buy a number of them to give to the moms so they can benefit by reading it to their children! I know a wonderful, brilliant little autistic boy who will memorize every word! I’m so excited to hear him quote it word for word!”

Bios for using in media:

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Noella Reeder writes about love and personal development, and is the author of the children’s book, I’m the Thinker of My Thoughts.

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Noella Reeder writes about love, marriage, health and personal development. Author of children’s book, I’m the Thinker of My Thoughts, she is also the personal writer for successful entrepreneur Jae Park, and helped him with his book – The Power of TODA(y²). She loves writing, but poetry is her superpower!

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Noella Reeder writes about love, health and personal development. She lives in Canada with her husband Greg. Still happy after 30+ years, they enjoy being parents and grandparents. She’s the author of children’s book, I’m the Thinker of My Thoughts, that her son A.G. Reeder illustrated. She loves writing, but poetry is her superpower! Noella’s also the personal writer for successful entrepreneur Jae Park, and helped him with his book – The Power of TODA(y²). She has three blogs – her author blog –, – which focuses on health and recipes, and , where she shares marriage advice for Christians.

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Noella Reeder writes about love, marriage, health and personal development. She lives in Canada with her husband. Still happy after 30+ years, they enjoy being parents and grandparents. She’s the author of children’s book, I’m the Thinker of My Thoughts, that her son A.G. Reeder illustrated. Noella always loved writing from the time she was a child, and wanted to become an author, but didn’t see it become a reality until recently.

When her kids were young, she tried to achieve her dream of getting a children’s book published that wasn’t accepted, but this time, she had some help from a friend! For a few years she has been working as a personal writer for a successful entrepreneur, named Jae Park, and helped him with his book The Power of TODA(y²). When he saw her book, he knew it had to get out there and into the minds of children, so he showed it to his publisher in Korea – Yemmibooks, that were happy to publish it. Jae helps entrepreneurs develop the right mindsets to help them achieve success in their business. He and Noella are working on a series of personal development books for children.

Noella is still in process of writing books for adults in the area of love, marriage and personal development from a Christian perspective, and has four blogs she enjoys writing posts for, including Jae’s website – WorkWithJaePark, her author blog –, – which focuses on health and recipes, and, where she shares marriage advice for Christians.

Noella says that publishing and marketing books have been one of the most challenging and rewarding things she’s ever done, other than raising children, and that they are actually a lot alike!

“Writing a book is like having a baby. They take a lot of work and care, but it’s amazing to watch them grow up and become something wonderful that have a positive impact on the lives of others. You just never know how far they’ll go and all they’ll become!” –  Noella Reeder

500 words:
Noella Reeder lives in Abbotsford, BC, with her husband of 30+ years. They married young and Noella became a stay-at-home mom with two children. She had always wanted to become an author, and tried to get a book published when her kids were young, but it didn’t happen.
She didn’t get a formal education, but became an avid researcher of all things health-related – physically, mentally, spiritually and relationally, especially in the area of love and marriage. She began to blog and start writing some books, but still didn’t publish anything other than an eBook on salads.

After her children moved out and she became a grandmother, she got one of the most wonderful opportunities of a lifetime that has had a profound effect on her writing career. A man named Jae Park, whom she had once worked for, had become a very successful entrepreneur. He had many book ideas, but lacked the time and talent to write them, and knew Noella liked to write, so he asked if she wanted to work together and see what they could create.

Their values and beliefs aligned and together they created Jae’s first book, The Power of TODA(y²), and are working on more projects. Jae had transformed his life by changing his mindsets by reading the books of successful people and acting on what he learned. He’s now helping other entrepreneurs create the right mindsets to help them succeed in their business. Noella has experienced her own life transformations by learning more about renewing her mind through Jae, and other thought leaders like neuropsychologist Dr. Shannon Irvine, neuroscientist Dr. Caroline Leaf, and others.

This information led her to write a poem for children which has been published as a book, titled, I’m the Thinker of My Thoughts. After writing hundreds of poems in her life, she knew this one was powerful and got her son to illustrate it for her. Jae Park helped her get it published by showing it to his publisher in Korea – Yemmibooks, and that’s how a Canadian woman got her book published in Korea!

Noella doesn’t have a PhD, but has a passion for learning about self-improvement, and understands that all true change must first start in the mind. She is in the process of writing some books for adults, but also is working with Jae Park to produce a series of personal development books for children. She is now a grandmother and wishes she had those kinds of books when she was raising her kids.
Publishing and marketing books have been one of the most challenging and rewarding things she’s ever done, other than raising children. She says they are actually a lot alike!

“Writing a book is like having a baby. They take a lot of work and care, but it’s amazing to watch them grow up and become something wonderful that have a positive impact on the lives of others. You just never know how far they’ll go and all they’ll become!” – Noella Reeder

5 Interesting facts about Noella:

1. She loves Korean drama and Bollywood movies!
2. She writes songs with her husband who plays the guitar while she sings
3. Lucille Ball was her hero growing up – she says that explains a few things….
4. She turns into a mushy goo-goo nut when she sees cute animals!
5. She was a high-school drop-out on drugs that had a total transformation and her life keeps on getting better!

Other Writing Experience:

Personal writer for Entrepreneur and Personal Development Coach, Jae Park. 

She worked on the book The Power of TODA(y²) by Jae Park that was published in Korea by Yemmibooks, in both English and Korean.

Acknowledgement by Jae Park“Special thanks to Noella Reeder – Without you this book would have never made it out of my head and onto paper -and it’s turned out better than I could have imagined.”

Writing/Blogging/Web Copy for – Name and Picture on Team Page

Blogger and Editor at – her author website,  – a website focusing on all things health related,  and – a website focused on marriage advice from a Christian perspective.